
Assisting residential and business owners with effective pest control services throughout:

  • QLD: Brisbane, Gold Coast, Ipswich, Toowoomba, Townsville
  • NSW: Sydney, Newcastle (Hunter & Central Coast), Wagga Wagga, Nowra
  • ACT: Canberra

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Impact and Health Risks Posed by Rats and Mice

Rats and mice are unwelcome guests of human dwellings and farm buildings. They are destructive and carry disease causing organisms. These organisms can cause problems to humans and pets.

Threats Posed by House Mice and Black Rats

In Australia, a number of rodent species are agricultural pests. Two species, the house mouse and black rat, were introduced around the time of European settlement.

House mice are found throughout agricultural cropping areas and around sheds and houses. When conditions are favourable, their numbers can increase to plague levels.

Black rats are found in Queensland as they exist throughout temperate and tropical Australia in human-modified environments.

Rats and mice are more likely to become a serious problem during the cold winter months where it is much warmer in the subfloor or roof void of a building. Rats may suddenly appear in large numbers when excavation work disturbs their in-ground nesting locations.
