
Assisting residential and business owners with effective pest control services throughout:

  • QLD: Brisbane, Gold Coast, Ipswich, Toowoomba, Townsville
  • NSW: Sydney, Newcastle (Hunter & Central Coast), Wagga Wagga, Nowra
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Exploring the World of Australian Wasps

In Australia alone, there are over 12,000 species ranging from the tiny priid wasps which are barely visible to the naked eye, to the spider and cicada-killer wasps capable of taking large prey. Most wasps have carnivorous larvae that feed on other insects and spiders. The adults provide food for them by capturing prey or by laying the egg on or near the food source which might be an egg, larva or pupa of another insect.

European Wasps vs. Paper Wasps

European wasps were first recorded in Australia in 1959. The European Wasp may attack in large numbers and may sting repeatedly in a frenzy. In such circumstances, this feral pest can be highly dangerous to children, the infirmed and elderly and deaths have been recorded. The sting of a European wasp is extremely painful and highly inflammatory, particularly if you are stung on the throat or other glandular parts of your body.

Paper Wasps are far less dangerous but they may be aggressive during hot weather periods and may cause severe localized pain from their sting. Paper wasps are about 20 mm in length and should be approached with caution.

Closeup on a yellow European beewolf, bee-killer wasp , Philanthus triangulum sitting on wood